Friday 21 September 2012

Brief Video Analysis

Artist and Title
The Pharcyde
Directed by Spike Jonze
4 men walking around a city landscape, but their movements are put in reverse, so demonstrates them jumping, walking, rolling and dancing but backwards. All done in only 3-4 shots, usually featuring all the 4 men.
The smooth pace of the track suits the level yet bouncy movements made by the band. The rhythm is echoed in their walking through the town, as the beat is repetitive. Due to the retrograde the lip syncing was a bit off, but didn’t detract any attention or look odd.
Here it goes again
Directed by Trish Sie
8 treadmills and the 4 band members who are dancing and moving from and between the different treadmills interacting and using one another to get around the machines. The mise-en-scene is particularly DIY styled and the tacky looking ‘bodge job’ room and slightly off centre camera gives the video even more authenticity.
The choreography goes to the beat of the track and the jumps and slides accentuate some of the rhythms.
The Bay
Directed by David Wilson
Shows 80’s era with costume, ice lolly. Makes Torquay look glamorous i.e Monte Carlo. Girls and band coming in and out of frame stood in different formations.
Subtle dance routines matching the beat with the split screens and camera angles following the rhythm in the track and making it look polished and pristine.

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